
楼盘 nanfang 2023-06-01 00:11 65 0


1.你的CET-4平均分极好,但为甚么CET-6还没透过呢?(Your CET-4 score is good, but why didnt pass the CET-6 (six level)?)答:很懊悔在理工学院前夕,我把更多的关注点放到课业和科学研究体育竞技上,因此对七级的倚重某种程度不如。


但如今我始终在全面提高他们的英语安心ppt潜能,我也坚信我到时候很大能透过七级笔试,除此之外我现阶段也有考托福的设想,即使我绞尽脑汁他们最小的可能将去提高他们的英语水平(I am sorry that during my college, I pay more attention to the academic and research, which make me Neglect the sixth level exam. But now I am trying my best to improve my English ability. I also believe that I will pass the sixth level exam 安心pptnext time.)


2.为甚么想读博士生?(Why do you want to be a graduate student?( Master degree candidate Life))答:我非常喜欢这个的专业,我也有两年多的科学研究经验。


它强烈的科学研究氛围是我渴望的除此之外,我之前已经对药物靶向与基因研究方向进行了初步了解,这也是我感兴趣的方向,所以我也想继续深造,我也希望以后能够纯粹致力于学术研究工作(I love this major very much, and I also have two years of research exper安心pptience. its strong research atmosphere is what I yearn for. In addition, I have already had a preliminary understanding of the direction of drug targeting and genetic research. I am interested in the direction, so I also want to continue my studies and hope that I will be purely devoted to academic r安心pptesearch in the future.)




所有这些都能提高我的专业素养(I have broad interests in many aspects and grasp the essential knowledge of the major, but I thi安心pptnk at present, I can do many things in a superficial level, but not be competent to do things professionally owing to lack of ample knowledge and ability. So I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. On the other hand, I think I can do a deeper research in my favorite area 安心pptand communicate with high level teachers and students through the postgraduate study. And all these can improve my professional literacy.)


3.我看你参加了很多创业比赛,那么为甚么你不去创业呢?(I see that you have participated in many entrepreneurial competitions, so why dont you start a business?)




(Compared with starting a business, I pay more attention to the academic research. In the entrepreneurial competition, I am responsible for technical issues. It is clos安心pptely to scientific research, In addition, I love the fluid direction very much, so I want to continue my studies.)




5.你在进行科学研究过程中遇到最小的困难是甚么?(What is the biggest difficulty you encounter in conducting research?)答:我觉得最小的困难是在实验过程中时常会出现一些超过自身水平所能理解的现象,这个时候我一般是透过查阅大量的文献及请教我的导师逐步弄明白出现这种现象的原因。

(I think the biggest difficulty is that in the course of the experiment, there are often appear some phenomena beyo安心pptnd what I understand. [At this time, I usually find out the reasons for this phenomenon by consulting a large number of documents ad asking my tutor].)

6.你一般查阅文献用甚么工具?(What tools do you generally use for documentation?)答:I usually use the science direct, Geenmedical, Pubmed, CNKI and so on.

7.我看你之前有组建安心ppt过团队,你组建团队的原因是甚么?(I see that you have formed a team before, what is the reason for you to form a team?)

答:我之前组建团队是为了使我们的科学研究及体育竞技进行地更加顺利,但如今我们更多的只是想培养更多优秀的人才,让他们能够从中受益(I used to form a team to make our research and competition go smoothly. But now we just want to train more talents so that they can benef安心pptit from it.)。

8.我觉得你的社会实践经历很丰富,你觉得你能够从中受益到甚么?(I feel that your social practice experience is very rich, what do you think you can benefit from?)


(丰富的社会实践经历也培养了我待人接物的潜能,且让我有着更为广阔的人际关系安心pptThe rich social practice has also cultivated my ability to get along with others and make me have more extensive relationship.)。

9.我看你有申请过多项专利,你的idea是怎么来的?(I see that you have applied for a number of patents, how did your idea come from?)

答:老师,是这样的,我的idea主要就是来自于我平时参与比赛时思维的碰撞所产生的,即使每一次参加比赛时,单厢需要查阅文献,这个时安心ppt候广泛的涉略有利于他们想出一个又一个新的idea(My idea is mainly from the collision of my thoughts when I participate in the competition or review the experimental literature)。

10.我看你参加过这么多次比赛,你能够从中受益到甚么?(I see that you have participated in so many competitions, what can you benefit from?)

答:在我看来,参加比赛不仅是为了丰富我的理工学院生活,更重要的是能够通安心ppt过一次次的上台答辩培养我的胆识,使得我能够更加从容地应对以后的各种场面(In my opinion, participating in the competition not only enrich my college life, but also able me to cultivate my courage through repeated defenses, so that I can more calmly deal with the various scenes in the future.)。

11.参与比赛时,你主要就担任甚么样的角色?(What role do you mainl安心ppty play in the competition?)答:在参与比赛时,我更多的是担任负责人的角色,即便有一些不是第一作者的比赛,我也基本上为团队做出了最小的贡献,而且我们是一个团队,我也不可能将把所有的功劳都揽在他们的身上,团队成员间适当的谦让也有利于我们团队的发展。

然后即使我对于科学研究项目的熟悉某种程度更高,所以平时参与比赛时无论是计划书的撰写,还是现场的答辩,基本上也都有我的影子存在(When I participated in the competition, I also serves as the first author, although I am not the first auth安心pptor in some competitions, I also make the biggest contribution to the team.)



透过一些渠道,我了解到xx理工学院生物系具备完美的研究系统,顶尖的科学研究人才,并且研究方向与我的兴趣一致因此,我报考了它(I hope that the profession that continues to receive education is biology. On the one hand, my undergraduate major is pharmacy, with a certain knowledge base. On the other hand, I find that biology plays an increasingly imp安心pptortant role in our modern society. Now in China, driven by the government, our biological research is developing rapidly, which may provide us with many opportunities. Most importantly, on my three years of research, I have been exposed to drug-targeted therapy and gene-targeted therapy since I star安心pptted. I have a strong interest in this field. I plan to focus on learning and research in this field in graduate life. I hope that after a few years of study, I will be able to form a systematic view of biological research and lay a solid foundation for future professionalism. Through some channels, 安心pptI learned that xx University of Science and Technology has a perfect research system, top research talents, and the research direction is consistent with my interest. Therefore, I applied for it.)

13. 你今后的目标是甚么,读博做科学研究,还是工作?(你的性格怎么样/自我评价下他们)(What are your future goals, do you study, or work? (How is yo安心pptur personality / self-evaluation yourself))

答:对于今后的目标,我更倾向于读博,我很喜欢学术的氛围,也很喜欢科学研究带来的挑战而且我觉得他们是一个意志坚定的人,并且有强烈的求知欲,我觉得我这样的性格也较为适合读博(For the future goals, I prefer to continue my studies. I like the academic atmosphere and the challenges which brought by scientific research. And I feel that I am a determin安心ppted man and have a strong desire for knowledge. I think that I am more suitable for research.)。

14. 你在日常的学习生活中的优缺点?(What are your strengths and weaknesses in your daily study life?)答:我觉得我的优点在于我是一个意志坚定,并且有强烈的求知欲的人,缺点在于我有点固执。

(I think my advantage is that I am a man with a strong will and a strong desire安心ppt for knowledge. The downside is that I am a bit stubborn.

15.能否给我们简要介绍下你所学的专业课的内容?(Can you give us a brief introduction to the content of the professional course you have studied?)

答:药剂学: 研究药物配制理论、生产技术以及质量控制合理利用等方面的内容(Pharmaceutics: Study the theory of drug preparation, production technology, and rati安心pptonal use of quality control.)。

药理学: 研究药物与机体间相互作用规律及其药物作用机制(Pharmacology: Studying the interaction between drugs and the body and its mechanism of action.)。

药物化学: 利用化学的概念和方法发现确证和开发药物,从分子水平上研究药物在体内的作用方式和作用机理(Medicinal Chemistry: Using chemical concepts and methods to discover and validate drugs, to stud安心ppty the mode of action and mechanism of action of drugs in the body at the molecular level)。

药物分析: 研究研究药物的化学检验 、药物稳定性、生物利用度、药物临床监测和中草药有效成分的定性和定量等(Drug analysis: research and study of chemical testing of drugs, drug stability, bioavailability, clinical monitoring of drugs and qualitative and quantitativ安心ppte determination of active ingredients of Chinese herbal medicines, etc.)。

16.在项目的研究过程中你主要就做了甚么工作?(What did you do most during the research of the project?)答:在项目的研究过程中,我主要就协助博士生师兄进行实验文献的查阅、实验方案的制定、实验平台的搭建及实验数据的测定等等。

(In the process of research, I mainly assist graduate students in the examination of expe安心pptrimental literature, the formulation of experimental protocols, the construction of experimental platforms and the determination of experimental data.)

结尾:谢谢您的发问。(Thank you for your question.)我的发问完毕,非常感谢你们。(My answer is over, thank you very much.)
