
楼盘 nanfang 2023-05-31 01:30 79 0


备考北欧国家线发布年份不远了,很多院校将紧随,发布毕业考名列和面试通知话不多说,小K对备考面试英文发问中较为低频、常用的主考官发问展开了单纯剖析,珍藏撷取不误入!1、问博士生期的总体规划、最终目标 How do you plan to study for your graduate stage?Wh欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗at are your goals in graduate school。


2、为甚么要跨考?换专精?Why do you change your major ?提问示范点:Thank you for your question.My college entrance examination volunteer is this major, but I did not get my wish.During the university to understand it, I found that I have a great interest in this majo欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗r.


有的老师还会问,你的本科专精对你所跨的专精提供了甚么便利?你对所跨考的专精有甚么看法?How does your undergraduate major facilitate your cross-major?


What are your thoughts on the majors you have crossed?


图源今日头条,与文章内容无关3、你对我们学校有甚么期望?你为甚么选择我们学校?What do you expect from our school? Why did you choose our sc欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗hool?


提问示范点:I have always wanted to come to your school to study, your school learning atmosphere and learning conditions are very good.或者你也可以提问:贵校离家近,更方便陪伴家人,Your school is close to home, making it more convenient to spend time with my family.


4、介绍你的母校、本科专精,或者你从本科专精教给了甚么?欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗等等系列难题是老师很喜欢问的话题,有很多可聊之处,比如:Tell us about your undergraduate school. What’s your major? Why do you choose it as your major? What you learned from your undergraduate major? What do you like/ dislike of your major?


5、你的家乡有景点吗?有甚么特别的地方?哪个地方让你印象深刻?你的家乡怎么样?那里的人是甚么样的?Where do you live?What is欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗 the most special place in your hometown?


What does it look like?What are the people like in your hometown?


图源今日头条,与文章内容无关6、你有甚么业余爱好、甚么喜好?你为甚么喜欢这个爱好?它会给你甚么样的收获?你是甚么样性格的人?介绍一个你的好朋友What do you do in your spare time?Do you think this hobby is important to you? Why?。

How do you 欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗spend your weekends?Whats your definition of a hobby?What kind of personality are you? Introduce a good friend of yours.

7、你家有几口人?他们在哪工作?你喜欢你的姐姐或者哥哥、弟弟妹妹吗?你们平时会做甚么?你经常做家务吗?Can you tell me something about your family?Do you often do housework?

What do your family members do for a living? How many peopl欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗e do you have in your family? What do you and your family like to do together?

8、你曾经取得过甚么成就?你最难忘的一次经历?你考取了甚么证书?你是否通过了英文六级?What did you achieve as an undergraduate? Your most memorable experience? What certificate did you get? Have you passed CET-6?

图源今日头条,与文章内容无关9、如果你是在职备考,老师经常发问的是,你从事甚么行业?你负责甚么工作?你在工欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗作中有甚么体会?你如何通过博士生期的学习,提高你的工作能力?What industry are you in? What are you responsible for?

What do you experience at work? How can you improve your work skills through postgraduate study?10、你最突出的优点是甚么?你认为你有甚么优点?一个人应该具备哪些品质?

What is your greatest strength?What merit do you think you have?What qualities sho欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗uld a person possess?


You mentioned in your self-introduction that you like to read books, what are the books youve been reading recently?

You like to watch movies, so what have you been wa欧妃倩身形命令行吗有效率吗tching recently? You like to travel, so what is your favorite city?

You like to climb mountains, so what tools do you need to prepare for climbing mountains? What kind of preparation do you make?

